»How can we be of service?« »GEMA; no more.« »Jetzt gibt’s was auf die Ohren!« »Lmgtfy!« »Dada-Ad!« »How can we be of service?« »Wissen Sie wie man wirbt?« »Sudo instead of please.« »Dinosigner.« »GEMA; no more.« Audiovisuelle Komposition

Apple Compressor Settings MP4 for Flash Video

Apple Compressor Settings MP4 for Flash Video

File Extension: mp4
Estimated file size: 3.59 MB
Audio Encoder
AAC, Stereo (L R), 22.050 kHz
Video Encoder
Format: QT
Width: (50% of source)
Height: (50% of source)
Selected: 960 x 540
Pixel aspect ratio: Square
Crop: None
Padding: None
Frame rate: (100% of source)
Selected: 25
Frame Controls: Automatically selected: Off
Codec Type: H.264
Multi-pass: On, frame reorder: Off
Pixel depth: 24
Spatial quality: 75
Min. Spatial quality: 25
Temporal quality: 50
Min. temporal quality: 25
Average data rate: 0.768 (Mbps)
Fast Start: on